You’re not in a good place in life if you owe people money and are receiving phone calls from debt collectors. You might even want to avoid answering the phone. While speaking with a collector may be the last thing on your mind, it is better to do so. Doing the opposite, on the other hand, may put you in a worse situation. Here are some reasons why you should not ignore a call from Zwicker and Associates, one of the most renowned collection agencies in the country.
Can You Tell Me More About Zwicker?
Having crippling debt and, on top of that, receiving collections calls can be quite stressful. But, it is Zwicker’s business to collect debts, and if you owe them properly, be aware that they will do so. They won’t hesitate to sue you if they can, because they’re also a law firm. It’s possible that the statute of limitations has run out, making a lawsuit impossible, or that the collection procedure is incorrect.
What to Do if You Get a Call from Zwicker and Associates?
If Zwicker and Associates contacts you, make sure they are contacting you about a debt you do owe. Accept responsibility for a debt only once it has been verified in writing. Keep in mind that the burden is with them, not with you. Also, find out what your state’s statute of limitations is and for what types of debts.
If the debt is yours and the statute of limitations for collections has expired, you may want to negotiate a settlement. After all, Zwicker and Associates is comprised of people who are aware that things happen. They would also love to obtain something rather than nothing.
Zwicker and Associates not only offers a choice of debt repayment options, but also a variety of payment methods. You can visit the payment portal and log in using your File ID and zip code to set up a payment plan, create a settlement plan, or make a payment.
Consider a credit card debt relief plan with a firm like Freedom Debt Relief to learn more about your options.
You Do Have Legal Rights
There are a number of reasons why you should not ignore a phone call from Zwicker and Associates. While Zwicker is helping their clients that you owe money to, they want to help you as well.
There’s no need to just give up because you have rights under the federal government. If you do owe and are aware of it, the debt has most likely been hanging over your head for some time, affecting with your happiness. While your natural reaction may be to flee and hide, it’s better to face the music now, before things deteriorate.
They won’t get much better if they ignore collectors. We aren’t going away, trust us. They will nag you as much as possible in order to receive what they deserve. However, keep in mind that if you do not settle your debts with them and your statute of limitations has not yet run out, you may face legal implications, including a lawsuit.
Pick up the phone when you get a call from Zwicker and Associates, chat with one of their agents, and then settle your debts with a payment plan or a credit card relief plan. Contact Freedom Debt Relief if you require professional debt help. The debt settlement agency can put you get on the road to financial independence.